APBDRF is dedicated to increasing public awareness and understanding of APBD, a rare disease that impacts people in their prime of life, especially the at-risk Ashkenazi Jewish community.
Our first connection with Adult Polyglucosan Body Disease Research Foundation (APBDRF) was jumping in to support with their year-end campaign. We worked closely, and thoughtfully, with the APBDRF team to elevate brand presence and deliver a successful campaign that met their fundraising goals. The aesthetic direction was led by STCK Creative Director, Estefania Rivera.
We’ve since continued our relationship with APBDRF in the management of social media channels and newsletter development. Social media strategy and content creation is led by Jo Ann Kassebaum, with Jennifer Miller as the project manager who brings all the pieces together.
In addition to campaigns, social media, and newsletters, we are happy to feel like members of the APBDRF Family, providing hands-on support to their small management team as needed. With the nature of our APBDRF work being highly sensitive, we feel honored to be building trust with their leadership, and broader community through recorded testimonial interviews, event conceptualization, and one-on-one relationships which inspire the communications we create.
Creative Direction • EOY Campaign • Social Media
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Women-Owned Business